Myanmar mission night

Monday our church held a night about church planting in Myanmar (Burma). We had a guest speaker, Thang Bwee, head of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Myanmar, which has recently got a deal with the Australian Presbyterian World Mission.

There were about 60 people there, which was good, and we all learned a lot about the situation in Myanmar, the military government and the poverty. The ERC has around 35 churches especially in Chin State in western Myanmar. To get to these remote villages from Rangoon, it takes 1hr by plane or 2 days by 'express' bus, then 12 hours on boat, followed by 30km walking. Nearly three days! Recently they have been purchasing iron roofing for the churches, with help from APWM.

Of Myanmar's 52 million people only 4% are Christian, most are Buddhist. Many live on less than a dollar a day, and many also live in remote areas only accessible by walking through jungle.

In all it was a good night and we all learned quite a bit about the situation of the church in Myanmar.

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